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  • Writer's pictureKristen Lewendon

Book Review: Wishful Romance Volume 3 by Kait Nolan

Wishful Books 7-9

Dance Me A Dream (Book 7)

As guardian to her two younger half siblings, Tara Honeycutt has forgotten what it's like to be a normal twenty-something. When a major gas line breaks, leaving them with no heat, no hot water, and no way to cook for Christmas, Jace Applewhite invites Tara and her sibs out to his family's Christmas tree farm. Will a good old fashioned farmhouse Christmas be enough to get Tara to give him a second glance?

See You Again (Book 8)

Mayor Sandra Crawford has survived divorce and cancer, but she's not at all sure she'll survive the discovery that her town's benefactor is actually the man she nearly left her husband for almost 30 years ago. Gerald Peyton, III didn't fight for Sandy back in college--a decision he's regretted ever since. Now Trey's older, wiser, and determined to win the heart of the woman he's never forgotten.

The Christmas Fountain (Book 9)

After finding out her Mr. Right was actually Mr. Wrong, Mary Alice is taking a break from love to chair her favorite holiday charity. Chad thinks volunteering is the perfect way to get to know his Christmas crush. Will he manage to overcome her once bitten, twice shy caution?


My Review:

Dance Me A Dream It may not be the Christmas season right now, but this story is timeless. Several other readers have said it before, it’s just like reading a Hallmark movie. There is just so much emotion packed into this little book it was spilling out of my eyes. I’ve adored Tara since I first read about her in the earlier books and I loved seeing her getting her own happy-ever-after hero. Jace, and his whole family, is pretty much perfect: sweet, patient, kind, caring, loving, and adores children. Where can I find a hero like that for myself? I will happily read everything ever published about Wishful and keep coming back for more. See You Again Sigh! I've been waiting not so patiently for this story ever since the end of the first book in the series. It was worth every moment of the wait. Over the course of all the books set in Wishful, we've gotten to know a little about both Sandra and Trey. And this time we get to know what happened thirty years ago that pulled them apart and made them into the people they are today. I loved seeing Sandra interact with all of her extended family. Those are some of my favorite scenes in the book. Seeing Trey learn how to navigate a relationship with a strong woman used to doing everything on her own and set in her ways was both heartbreaking and enlightening, as Sandra needed to learn that she has to meet him in the middle. I can't wait to see who the next pair to get hitched in Wishful is going to be. The Christmas Fountain When I first read the description of this book, I didn’t immediately recognize Mary Alice as a character I had read before. But as I began reading it all started clicking in to place. I have to admit feeling a little uncomfortable seeing Judd from Mary Alice’s point of view. I invested so much emotion in him and Autumn getting their happily-ever-after, that I don’t quite know what to do with my feelings of righteous indignation on Mary Alice’s behalf now that I’m invested in her happily-ever-after. I think this is a brilliant example of just how talented the author is; that she can write characters that we love and hate in equal proportion depending on the angle we’re looking from. And Chad? Oh Chad. This man can do virtually no wrong by me – idiot timing for dramatic revelations not withstanding. The sweet, thoughtful things he does for Mary Alice to show how much she means to him are just the most precious things I’ve ever witnessed. This quick read had all of the wonder and magic of the holiday season. I received a complimentary advanced copy of this book through Booksprout.

Other books in the series:

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