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  • Writer's pictureKristen Lewendon

Book Review: Wishful Romance Volume 1 by Kait Nolan

Wishful Books 1-3

Wishful is a southern romance series written for anyone looking for love in a small town. If you loved Hart of Dixie and miss the residents of Bluebell, you just might fall in love with Wishful. It's a town where everybody knows your name and hope springs eternal! This volume contains Books 1-3


A David vs. Goliath story with a side of sweet tea.

Wishful, MS is Cam's hometown. He's not sure a city girl like Norah can understand the place well enough to help him save it from the corporate big-box store threatening to set up shop. She's determined, though. She's falling hard for the charms of town--and the man. But even if they send the suits packing, can she really give up her corner office for a corner booth a the local diner?


Heroes need not apply

Riley Gower is no stranger to hard work. She's queen of Doing All The Things—solo. And that's exactly how she likes it. She’s not holding out for a hero. When disaster strikes her business, former Marine Liam Montgomery jumps in to help--whether she likes it or not. Will they be able to work through their complicated past to save the pharmacy before she's forced to close its doors forever?


The best things happen while you're acting...

The historic Madrigal theater, in the heart of downtown Wishful, is about to close its doors forever. A last ditch fund-raising effort, a production of White Christmas, is probably the only thing that could bring Tyler Edison back to the stage after all these years. Little does she know that the leading man who broke her heart just blew back into town. Auditions start at six o'clock.


My Review:

To Get Me To You I have fallen in love with Wishful and all of the inhabitants. It's a living, breathing place to me, filled with people who are truly characters. I loved the level of detail that went into creating this little, southern and all the people that live there. I expect to drive south one day and meet Cam and Norah on the street with Hush and their 2.5 children in tow. This story is so sweet and funny. I can't wait to read more. Be Careful, It's My Heart I'm learning to love the little town of Wishful and all the people that live there, and in Be Careful, It's My Heart we get to watch the Happily Ever After of another pair of Wishful's residents. It's a short read but I didn't realize it was until I finished the story, looked at the clock, and realized it hadn't taken nearly as long as it felt. Not in a bad way; I was just so invested in the story. It doesn't rush and it doesn't drag - the pacing is perfect. The characters are so real that you want to take them and shake them when they're being especially dense because it feels like you want them to get their happily-ever-after more than they do. This sweet, sexy romance was thoroughly enjoyable and I highly recommend it. Know Me Well I'm a sucker for a military hero. And when he's as sweet and sexy as Liam, I just melt. Riley's strong and capable enough to be a military officer in her own right, so she's a perfect match for him. Watching these two work past their misunderstandings was both frustrating and a joy - I just wanted them to get to their Happily Ever After so badly. It was a shame that interruptions like work and sleep kept interfering with my ability to finish the book in one sitting. The characters are complex and real, completely believable. And the situations they find themselves in, while often funny, are things that most of us have experienced at one time or another. The world of Wishful is a living, breathing entity in my imagination and I can't wait to go back and read more about her residents. I received a complimentary advanced copy of this book through Booksprout.

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