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  • Writer's pictureKristen Lewendon

Book Review: Miami Masters Collection by B.J. Wane

Miami Masters Box Set

Strong, dominant men. Feisty, independent women in need of help.

Seven troubled young men from varied backgrounds bonded together at a summer camp for juvenile delinquents – a bond that held them together into adulthood and grew stronger through their shared interest in the lifestyle.

In this six-book collection, each confirmed bachelor will meet that one woman who will complete him, save her from the trouble plaguing her and, using all his experience and trips on their specially designed, co-owned yacht, help her succumb to her HEA with pleasure.

Publisher’s Note: This compilation contains all six books of the Miami Masters series. These steamy contemporary romances include elements of power exchange.


My Review:

Bound and Saved I love the world of Black Light. And this series takes me into a world that is very similar and yet so very different at the same time. Romantic suspense has got to be one of my most favorite genres to play in. The suspense in this story is there in full force, from the very first scenes of the book. I was quickly caught up in Sandie’s plight and desperate to know what it would take to bring her back to safety again. I’m not sure that there was a lot of “romance” per se in this book, but I enjoyed watching the lust that gripped Sandie and Zach turn into something sweeter and more encompassing. However, that lust was hot enough to cause flash burns and I found I couldn’t look away. I can’t wait to see what in store for the rest of the gang of seven. Master Me, Please There is so much emotion swirling through this story; a complex tale of love, loss, and starting over. It also touches on how we’re able to forgive what we once thought was unforgivable. This time we get up close and personal with Dax, learning what it was that drove him to volunteer overseas and the ghosts that continue to drive him now that he’s back. Krista is a widow. And even though a great deal of time has passed since her husband took his life, she’s still trying to come to terms with how he prematurely ended their time together. Dax and Krista had an instant connection even while her husband was alive. Dax vainly tries to fight it, but Krista’s in a place where she’s ready to embrace it – she just needs to out-stubborn the dominant man her heart’s set on. Like the previous book, the heat between them sizzles off the pages. I can’t wait to read the next book. Mastering Her Fear I knew as soon as I read the description of this book that it was going to be a difficult story for me to read. I don’t personally have experience with cutting, but I do have experience with the out of control feelings that can lead to it. I was very impressed with the way the author handled this very touchy subject. Julie and Jackson came to life in my imagination and my heart broke for them ever finding the right balance in their relationship. I loved seeing all of Jackson’s protective alpha instincts at work. And I loved even more watching Julie overcome the fears that were holding her captive. I don’t know that I have the right words to explain how much I’m enjoying this series, but I can’t wait to dig into the next book. Bound to Submit This is a good, well-written story. The chemistry between the character nearly scorches the fingers just holding the book. I just didn’t connect with the characters the way I wanted to. I pretty much loved Miles in all his alpha-stalker glory. Yeah it’s creepy, but I adored how much he wanted to look out for and protect Hope. I didn’t understand why he was so embarrassed about how much his mother meant to him and why he was so reluctant to share his past with anyone other than the Seven who had kinda lived it with him. Hope’s the one I had the most trouble with. In previous books we saw a strong independent woman who wouldn’t take any crap from anyone. In this book we learn that attitude is a shell, and a badly fitting one at that. The woman in this book is either a terrified mouse or blitheringly naïve. I also couldn’t buy into her reasons for keeping her past a secret when surrounded by all these supportive people. I know that emotions aren’t logical, but her reasoning fell apart at the first logic test. Even though this book wasn’t my favorite in the series, I still enjoyed it and I’m dying to see what happens with the remaining singles of the Seven. His To Master and Own These are the two characters whose stories I’ve been the most looking forward to. There’s just something about the quiet, reserved Sean that drew me to him. And Alessa’s bouts of low self-confidence and body image issues struck a chord with me. This pair are a perfect match together. She responds to his dominant personality, but Alessa’s no doormat. She’s one hundred percent capable of looking after herself – she’s been doing it just about her entire life. Sean’s got an uphill battle to show Alessa that she’s not in this life alone anymore, but he’s also perfectly willing to show her the consequences of that kind of bratty behavior. Now, I’m anxious to see what it takes to make the Carlson siblings fall. Theirs to Master This book has left me at a complete loss for words. I’d gone and fallen in love with Troy and Trevor in the background of their best friends’ books, so obviously I was going to be even further head over heels for them in their own. This duo are the textbook reason women lust after men in law enforcement: noble, honorable, protective. Paige is a sassy little firecracker who, it appears, has a tendency to leap before she looks. One of those leaps ends her up in the care of the Carlson siblings when stumbles into the middle of their investigation. This book wraps up the mystery we were presented in the first book of the series the series and showcases some blazing hot encounters between the brothers and their feisty redhead. I received a complimentary copy of this book through Booksprout.

Other books in the series:

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