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  • Writer's pictureKristen Lewendon

Book Review: Maybe: The Complete Series by Ella Miles

Maybe, Definitely Book 7

Her future is already set, all she has to do is marry a complete stranger.

Kinsley Felton has everything. Money, a loving family, and a modeling career. She graduates from Yale in just days, but unlike a typical college student she doesn't have to spend hours looking for a job when she graduates. Kinsley will inherit the multi-billion dollar gaming and hospitality company her great-grandfather started. The only problem is she has to do everything her family asks for in order to get that money. That includes marrying a man of her family's choosing. That's not a problem since Kinsley has been following her family's orders all her life. Until a phone call from her grandfather changes everything.

Will she marry the man her family chooses or will she decide her own future?

This collection includes: Maybe Yes, Maybe Never, and Maybe Always.


My Review: Maybe Yes I both love and hate it when I get to the end of a book and I don’t know what to say. I hate it because, well, I always have something to say and when I’m speechless I feel all off center. But I love it because it means that an author has successfully transported me deeply into their world, to the point that my real life doesn’t quite fit right until I recover from the story hangover. I spent half this story loving Kinsley and Killian and the other half wanting to strangle them – or at least try to shake some sense into them. Even knowing that this is part one of the series, it’s still a very steep and abrupt cliff I fell off of at the end of the book. I am very invested in seeing where this story goes next. Maybe Never After barely surviving the first book, I thought I was prepared for anything this one was going to throw at me. Boy, was I ever wrong. Like the first book, Kinsley and Killian are still off again, on again – a little like a strobe light. Also like the first, there’s a steep cliff we’re left hanging from at the end. But the secrets and revelations that come to light in this book, aren’t anything like where I thought this story was taking us. I’m even more invested than ever in seeing where the rest of Kinsley and Killian’s story goes. Maybe Always It’s a shocking conclusion to Kinsley and Killian’s story and not at all what I thought it would be. This book goes to some very dark places. Places that are a lot darker than I ever expected the story to go. Even knowing where the story had already taken us, I was caught off guard. In order to free themselves from the web of lies surrounding them, Kinsley and Killian are pushed to the very edge in order to survive. A lot of the choices they have to make push their already fragile relationship to the breaking point in order to earn their happily ever after.

I received a complimentary advanced copy of this book from the author.

Other books in the series:

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